Recently, I have come across a few things in my life which pushed me away from Newgrounds for a while. So I'll be going on a little Newgrounds Vacation for a while. I have to get a job sometime soon, as well as bring up my grades for finals -- along with working out a few things in my personal/social life, so I apologize.
I had alot in store for my Newgrounds Career... I was planning to release Episode 1 of the Life of a Smiley series, but I never gotten around to finishing it. It was based off of Mother's Day -- Even though, it has passed, whenever I come back around it'll be released even though Mothers Day is like over. But whatever.
So Newgrounds, I apologize but you won't be seeing my face around here much often. If you want to discuss something email me and I'll try to respond to you as fast as possible.
I probably will be creating YouTube Videos for my account though. I don't quite know why but I've been dissing that thing for a while. Here are a few installments I've created over the past week:
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I'm not even good at guitar, I'm basically strumming the strings, but honestly -- I felt the need to do an amateur cover with his track in the background... I had too..
Credits to John Lennon, my boy on back up vocals. Ahah.
I feel the need to do this at the moment, the song really has hit me hard.
I know I can't sing or play guitar. fuck off.
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Thanks everyone for your support, and I'll try to keep my site updated in my developer blog maybe.
Check out my site.
Enjoy the Hulk Rudy.
booooo, well whenever you come back be sure to bring some awesome flashes with you.
Alright. loser. :)