Pretty well done!
This reminds me of Space Invaders xD I really like this... I like space invaders so this game was pretty damn good! Keep up the good work Blaze =]
Pretty well done!
This reminds me of Space Invaders xD I really like this... I like space invaders so this game was pretty damn good! Keep up the good work Blaze =]
Well Done!
This reminds me of Space Invaders! I really like the art and the menu section. You are improving alot =] Nice job man! This game is pretty sweet.
I think you meant Asteroids! xD
But yes, i love how the menu turned out. ^_^ Thanks a lot for your review!
Wow I frankly Enjoyed that.
This Turtorial is very nicely made. The format is good and I like the Panda. Thanks with the Shape thing. I never knew about that before.
I will be looking forward to other videos made by you. Because this
was very helpful..
Good Luck!
Tsunami Productions
Heh, I've made a bunch of video's...just for fun, nothing special. I've figured how to use Flash myself, but I thought by making a Tutorial other new Flashers wouldn't have the same problems that I had while learning Flash ^_^;
AS: Asvegren
Art: Sarcastro
Voices: Hobbes_the_Prince and TESM
Music: Zaghurim
Ok but where does URGAMES do anything in this????
Was pretty good... Liked it but not loved it like Dad N' Me :)
The graphics werent too good....and the sounds were very annoying. O_O It was so annoying i got a bad head ache now THANKS >:O
Well anyways here is my final score : 6278 Points.
Yes i didnt try what so ever ... this game was useless...and had a very stupid concept ^_^ So make a better game and ill give you a better score :D
Tsunami Productions 2006
its alright but...
Dude the controls and instructions dont work i clicked it and it led no wheres O_O i dont know how to even play this game...fix that instructions thing
I got to level 20
I Dont REally Like it
I dont really like this... It was very boring only one boss. And rest was trading
Ending Sucked Big Time like this game.. .Sorry dude but it was too boring
Try to make it longer... More Bosses. Not So much trading. And Make it more adventurous
Joined on 1/1/05