With Summer fun lurking about, let's get down to the point and start a pretty eventful collab. Why not dedicate to our home, we know today? Here, I introduce to you is the Newgrounds Collab. This is a collab basically dedicated to Newgrounds.com, as well as the creations in which live upon it.
In this collab, you will have an option to animate any Newgrounds characters and starring roles in animations across the portal. Some examples are; Pico from Pico's School, Strawberry Clock from the Clock Crew's work, or Bitey from Brackenwood.
I never quite saw a collab as the official Newgrounds Collab, but why not start one? Of course, in the past, there has been various collabs based off a bit of Newgrounds characters -- especially the All NG Fads Die!!! collab series, but that's besides the point. It focused on destroying the NG Fads like the Clocks, Madness Characters, There She is, etc. This collab on the otherhand is a tribute in which will show us tipping our hat off too these awesome animations that made Newgrounds what it is today.
I don't quite want this collab to be a laughing-stock or considered a joke. I'm hoping for people to actually take this collab seriously and not just shit out 5 second animations with shitty tweening or tracing that is considered their piece. Let's take our time and actually make this thing successful.
In this collaboration, I'm hoping for various animators and artists to create an animation based off of Newgrounds Characters. To prevent overuse of various Newgrounds Series, we will most likely have a minimum amount of people wanting to do a certain Newgrounds Character or Series. We will most likely only have one person doing one thing. Maybe, I'll allow more in further time -- but I want to focus on first come, first serve at the moment.
I will keep note on which series have been done already as well as which characters have been called for -- as well as which NG User is taking the piece. In the end, My goal is to have a whole list of various animations being covered. So this should be interesting.
Now it's time to touch up specs in which are needed, such as deadlines, co-authorship, as well as what our FPS and Flash settings will be.
^ You are required to create an animation in which is based on a Newgrounds character, or Animation Series which lives on Newgrounds. Great examples are; There She Is! Blockhead!
* We honestly want to stay as much away from dialogue as possible. Which means, sounds or voicework, but there will be an exception if your part REALLY needs to involve dialogue. But the short silent film, is what we're aiming for. (I'm still iffy on this. If you make a really good dialogue part, this most likely will change.!)
* We really don't want to allow the robot clock voices either.
* No half-assed animations.
* You must be able to show a really good example of your Flash Animating Skill to be qualified to submit a piece. We really don't want any noobs taking the spot for a possible good animation parody.
* Have fun !
Adobe Flash Document Properties:
Dimensions: 600X400
Background Color: White(default)
Frame rate: 24 FPS
The sound and audio for this collaboration will be decided all in all by the people taking part in the collab. I don't quite have a set track in the right set of mind at the moment -- But at a further date, we'll have a nice little poll on which audio track will be decided for our ending collab.
To prevent further interruption or problems, I would appreciate it if when you send in your collab piece, that you will send me a Flash 8 Format file. I can not work with CS3 files due to the lack of the program. Only submit Flash 8 work. Thank you.
Another thing, please avoid using names of your Movie clip, and symbols as "Tween 1" or "Symbol 1." Use a unique name, such as "Rudy_01." So it'll prevent any further editing of names, it'll help out alot. Thank you for that as well.
The Co-Authors will be determined by your animation skill. The best animator of the bunch will be selected to be co-authored. So if you're aiming for a spot, please take your time on your part and earn the right spot. There are 9-spots for Co-authoring -- So I apologize for whom don't get a nice spot. I'll announce the people whom get coed at a further date, when the collab is actually completed and files(parts) are finally turned in.
Every author will have a affiliated name which will link to their Newgrounds page, as their part is playing, so people can be directly brought to their artists page. I will most likely not have a BIOs section, due to the fact that it's not quite needed. I'll think about having one later on, if you guys strongly encourage or recommend one.
For anyone whom wants to affliate this thread and tell your friends about it, you can download the signature/view it from either the link here, or save it from my own signature. View here.
The starting date for this collab is AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We want to get this thing off the road, as fast as we can. We don't quite want rushing, but we don't want people to wait either. Take your time, but know that your time is valued -- and if you wait til the last minute to complete your piece, than you'll fall behind to the back of the line.
The deadline date will most likely be late August, Early September. I don't quite people to slack at the moment, so we'll have that as an official date. It gives us about a month and a half to complete a piece. The set date at the moment is: August 30th.
To start off the fun, I call Fancy Pants as my Animation. So no one else can do Fancy Pants from Fancy Pants Adventures.
To whom who wants to animate, please pick a fad so I can add it to the below list:
NG-Series Animations:
1.) Fancy Pants Adventures - Rudy
2.) Blockead - Masterswordsman
3.) Nameless - Goat-man
4.) Brakenwood - Toasterdemon
5.) Dad N' Me - Vato
6.) Neurotically Yours (Foamy) - denzel-crocker
7.) Madness -/kuorydaninja
8.) MoreLikeBlue - Lazymuffin
9.) Alien Hominid - KartuneHustla
11.) Weebl N' Bob - Matt-Frozenfire
12.) Gamer Tonight - Hylian-Mafia
13.) Project DCK - VintageBro
14.) Dads Home - FrozenSheep
15.) Johnny RocketFingers - Willobeen
16.) Mr.Coo - Chillycheese
17.) Another Day - Rudy
18.) Reboot - Lambinvoker
19.) ??? - KyleDaFox
20.) Mastermind - Racky
21.) Toof - Alpharius120
22.) Brakenwood - SergeantWeavern
23.) RWD Mascot - Anigen
24.) Badly Drawn Dawg - timmy-the-wing
25.) BadGuys - Salted-Tator-Tot
26.) Dads Home - doomshockp
27.) The Skater V2 series! - Jeski
28.) Mastermind - Olzone
29.) ??? - JohnnyUtah
30.) ??? - TITROTU
31.) ??? - BlueHippo
32.) Eskimo Bob - Sirkowski
33.) ??? - AlmightyHans
34.) Tankmen - brycemilburn
*List will be updated as animators take parts.
When completing your work, send all files to: rudy@tsunami-productions.net
This is right before Summer Break ends, so school won't be tied in with your work. But just keep note that I would like to see some progress and previews on your work. Please show some progress, so I won't loose faith in you kids.
To conclude this, just keep yourself on the ball, and take your time -- but work with patience and talent. I expect to see alot of good outcome from this collab. So let's have fun.
View the Official Thread!