- -- @Rudy




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Rudy's News

Posted by Rudy - March 5th, 2009

Hello ladies and gentleman,

I'm about proud to announce that the long-awaited "In My Arms Collab" has hit the portal!

This collaboration was an effort created by Sean Ruediger, as he grouped up his favorite artists from the Aura-Core, and also got help from a few other known artists on Newgrounds.com.

This collab is a beautiful piece, and expresses the more serious side of collabs, rather than 2-hour time trials, or just gibberish. This suppose to show the purpose of bringing out the more serious side of artists on Newgrounds, rather than comedy bits involving Super Mario, or anything of that sort.

Our goal was to complete a piece with one color scheme, and adapt it using various art techniques to apply shade, and texture to our artwork and animation. This challenge was faced by using cross-hatch and other art techniques, which made this collab rather unique in it's own way.

It's a very personal, and heart-filled collaboration, as I created it dedicated to someone dear to me. Mogly has also put his heart and soul into his piece as well. We are inspired to make more meaningful collaborations on the site, and hope to do so sometime in the near future.

Taking about 3 months, this collab has been concluded and faced it's time in the portal. I hope you enjoy the outcome of this. We faced a few problems, which included surgery, pain, and waiting on people to finish their work -- but the outcome is quite beautiful, and I'm proud to work with the artists I have with this collab.

Thank you everyone for taking part in this collab. Thank you the whole crew, but mostly, Thank you the Aura-Core for making this possible; Tarienn for special FX and intro, GatekeeperGirl for her amazing animation skills, as well as Jeinu for his two submissions he entered in this as well, which were beautiful. Also, I can't forget Theo-Art's for his amazing work as well!

It's such an honor to release such a serious piece, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Jon Foreman - In My Arms Collab Released!

Posted by Rudy - February 4th, 2009

Hm, it seems like I always get into problems involving submitting animations, and creating long-time based projects. So here's the deal, my computer has been rather screwy recently, so I won't be able to submit a 52-Weeks Project submission this week. I was trying to gather my files together, but my computer won't let me open Flash or anything of that matter.

I'm currently fixing the problem as we speak, but instead of trying to rush a submission out of my ass by 12 o'clock tonight within 5 hours, when I'm not even guaranteed my computer will be fixed, I'm just going to postpone my weekly this week.

For that matter, Next week on Wednesday, I will be releasing TWO Weeklies in one. It'll be basically a little double pack, so to speak. So hopefully that'll do good and you guys will enjoy that. =) I'm sorry for the inconvenience but things happen. What can you do? Right?

In the meantime, check out my website and read the updates and join the site! Once you sign up, You'll become a subscriber and you'll be able to comment on the content on the website! Please do so, and feel free to look around! =) I'd love to see what you have to say about my work, and the newsposts that featured on Front Page!

Also, I'm looking for Flash Animators/Action Scripters to help run the site and join the Tsunami Production team! The ones who want to join my Tsunami-Productions Team and want to have FP post privileges, but will help with the site, and make animations for the site and help with games, Contact me through PM, since I want to expand the site.

So please sign up so you can comment and all that good stuff.

*Note: Sign up with an eligible email address since it WILL send you a generated password for your account that you'll have to check. After getting that password, log in, and change your password to whatever you want it to be =)

Posted by Rudy - January 28th, 2009

Hello everyone,

It's that day of the week, and I have released the new animation for this week. If you aren't familiar with the 52-Week Project, read more about it in this post. This week involves two clouds checking out some hot babe! ;) Find out what happens next, and I hope you enjoy!

**Something weird happened late last night when I was editing the .SWF files. I was just updating my two flash submission: 52WK01: Birthday Wishes! and 52WK03: Peaches And Daisies! And when I re uploaded the updated .swf file -- it first said "YOU DO NOT OWN THIS FLASH SUBMISSION", so I exited the window and it than deleted my two submissions off my Newgrounds account. I also received an error saying, "Error - Filesystem error while saving Flash file." It's extremely confusing, and MontyCarlo is experiencing the same thing.

I don't quite know what this did this, but hopefully someone tells me -- so I'll know what happened since I probably will have to reupload them again? ;/

Here are the links for the two:
Week 1: Birthday Wishes! l View Here!
Week 3: Peaches and Daisies l View Here!

"ERROR - No submission ever existed with ID 479629."

The weird thing is, They didn't even end up in obituaries. They are just suddenly gone?

In other news, I redesigned my website to a wordpress version -- so please check out the site, and leave some nice comments =)

<< Previous Week l This Week l List of Animations >>

The 52-Week Project!: Cloud Talk!/DELETED GHOST SUBMISSIONS?!

Posted by Rudy - January 21st, 2009

Hello everyone,

It's that day of the week, and I have released the new animation for this week. If you aren't familiar with the 52-Week Project, read more about it in this post. This week involved Peach and Daisy talking about the way they like their men ;) Find out what happens next, and I hope you enjoy!

<< Previous Week l This Week l List of Animations >>

The 52-Week Project!: Peaches and Daisies!

Posted by Rudy - January 14th, 2009

Hello everyone,

It's that day of the week, and I have released the new animation for this week. If you aren't familiar with the 52-Week Project, read more about it in this post. This week is based upon A Magical Genie appears as an unlucky man is working. Find out what happens next, and I hope you enjoy!

<< Previous Week l This Week l List of Animations >>

The 52-Week Project! Magic Time!

Posted by Rudy - January 7th, 2009

Hello there,

Today is my birthday, and I finally released my top-secret, 52 Weeks Project! The Fifty-Two Week Project is an idea I've had for a while to create. For a whole year, I will be animating an animation a week until my 18th Birthday. I am currently 17, and as a starting point -- I decided to submit on my birthday. This is going to be a challenge for me, especially for thinking of 52 ideas for a whole year, but I'm sure it'll pull together nicely.

I'll be submitting every Wednesday until my 18th Birthday, so once the new duedate hits, I'll have to have the animation finished on time by that day. This gives me a week to complete an animation. I'll usually start doing the idea on Thursday, Sketch it out in my notebook Friday, Move it into Flash on Saturday, Than finish it all up by Wednesday and submit. This is what I'll be doing for a whole year. I will try to keep the ideas and animations unique, and not repetitive -- Hopefully, I can be as original as possible. Wish me luck, and I hope you enjoy the challenge!

I'll try to update this post with all the submissions, as well as website, which will be up soon with a compilation of the submissions as well!

*Sorry for the downtime of my site, I'm working on it! It'll be up in the next 24/48 hours! As well as the 52 Week compilation page!


Fifty-Two Weeks Project List:
Week 1: Birthday Wishes! l View Here!
Week 2: Magic Genie l View Here!
Week 3: Peaches and Daisies l View Here!
Week 4: Cloud Talk l View Here!
Week 5: Not Available l View Here!
Week 6: Not Available l View Here!
Week 7: Not Available l View Here!
Week 8: Not Available l View Here!
Week 9: Not Available l View Here!
Week 10: Not Available l View Here!

ALSO! Thank you to Doomshock, ZadeFireLance, and MichaelHurst for making me a birthday flash dedication! Jump on the bandwagon people! Hah :) The more the merrier!

Birthday Dedication Submissions:
Doomshock l Happy Birthday RUDY!
MichaelHurst l Rudy's Christmas Flash 09
ZadeFireLance l The After Party!

*Oh, and Happy Birthday ZadeFireLance! :)

The 52 Week Project! - Happy Birthday to me :)

Posted by Rudy - December 16th, 2008

I have been eagerly working on getting together a few projects before the New Year hits. I have started two new collabs. Well, I started one new collab, and revived an old one. The Newgrounds Collab is back into the picture, and you can sign up in the directory below! Another collab, I'm running is called the "In Your Arms" Collab. It involves a specific color scheme and background, so it'll be pretty interesting to see develop. For the parts, and information click the link below, but once on the page -- scroll down, since the first post in the thread has a few errors. :(

In other news, I've been a bit strapped for cash recently due to the holidays, so to fill back up my wallet -- I'm going to be doing some client projects for a low price. You can contact me by PM, on what you would like me to do. I can do logo artwork, websites, anything you want to see. So just drop me a PM or something. Limited time offer, I suppose.

We have a birthday today! Wish TheCriminalDuder's Mom, TheMummyDuder: A Happy Birthday In her birthday thread! The NGMag was revamped today, and it's up a running quite nicely -- Read the thread here! And last but not least, Mogly posted a thread with a program called Celtx, that will help you create storylines, storyboards, and all that good stuff for planning your scripts! Check that thread out here!

Another thing, I haven't received my Wacom Tablet in the mail yet, I've been waiting, so hopefully it gets to me soon. You'd think since Newgrounds is in Pennsylvania and I live in New Jersey that it'll ship to me fast -- Hopefully, I get it really soon, because I have to start working on my collab pieces, as well as my big project for 2009, which is set due on my birthday.

The Newgrounds Collab: (View Here...)
In Your Arms Collab: (View Here...)
Hire Me: (PM Me Here...)

NGMAG REDESIGNED! - Two New Collabs: Join Now! - Hire Me! - Birthday Wishes! - Scripting Program!

Posted by Rudy - December 16th, 2008

Jerks. :C

Posted by Rudy - December 9th, 2008

I really have been frustrated the last couple weeks due to school. For some odd reason, my school thinks it's hilarious to give me detentions or something for no apparent reason. I have received over 10 hour detentions in the last month or so. It's getting to the point where I'm growing not to care, and I'm just not showing up.

I don't quite know where's the justice in the world of the board of education, or how you can fight against the authorities, whom are making the decisions but it's rather irritating. I missed my hour-detention today after school today, so I'll probably be suspended on Wednesday, and they will tell me tomorrow during school. I missed it because I was feeling really nauticious during school, and I couldn't bare to stay after for this hour. Especially, since you can't put your head down and fall asleep or anything.

First of all, they are trying to give me a detention for being late to school. I understand this since I was late to school over 5 times already, and once you get passed 3, you start getting hours -- NOW, they are trying to give me two hours for being late once, which is absurd. Than one of my teachers are accusing me to skipping their class, and they tried to give me time-out room for it (ISS: In School Suspension) -- Which is ridiculous, since I NEVER ever am late during class besides the days that I actually came into school late, but that's excused and they are trying to hold me accountable for that. I got out of that one though. Than, I was absent one day, and I missed a teacher detention, and she's trying to give me an hour for intentionally missing her detention when I was obviously sick. Last but not least, another teacher is trying to hold me for time-out room for skipping her class, when I don't skip class -- She's trying to say I wasn't in her class, and the school thinks that I skipped school that day when my mom clearly called me out and I wasn't even on school grounds that day what so ever.

It's just all ridiculous, and the school is fucked up and out to get me. I don't quite know what else to do, but bitch about it which is a bummer. Oh well. Now enjoy the video below to feel my pain of detentions.

/* */
*UPDATE: I did get suspended, so I am suspended tomorrow (Wednesday.)

In other news, I have been releasing little "Joke Time" jokes. I have released two so far, and I'm curious if others want me to continue on with the sloppy series. Since I don't have a tablet, I've been working with mouse, and doing these sloppy sketch drawings and voicing them over. I think they have a nice little touch to them. Hopefully, I will continue them and get a series page of some sort. Who knows. I'll try to release another one this week, it's just a lot has been pretty hectic for me. Hell, maybe if I'm suspended Wednesday -- I'll be able to spit out two of them or something.

Watch both of them here: The Middle of Nowhere l Regular Sex

I Hate Detentions + It's Joke Time.

Posted by Rudy - November 18th, 2008

I'm so pissed.

My Tablet Broke.